A Tensor Decomposition-based Feature Extraction Method to Predict Neurological Recovery from Coma after Cardiac Arrest Using EEG Signals

Shivnarayan Patidar and Nidhi Sawant
National Institute of Technology Goa


The presence of electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns can provide valuable information about the degree of neurological recovery of comatose patients hospitalised after cardiac arrest. Signal processing and machine learning-based automated systems can predict the chances of a patient's consciousness recovery. This work presents a novel method to classify EEG records for predicting such prognosis using TQWT-based signal refinement and Tensor decomposition-based feature extraction to generate good or poor outcome labels with probability. TQWT-based signal reconstruction with selected sub-bands obeying relevant statistical constraints can be a promising approach to enhance critical care patterns in EEG signals. The optimal TQWT settings and statistical properties are obtained to emphasise critical care EEG patterns like spikes and a variety of transient-like patterns in patients suffering cardiac arrest-induced coma. Spectrograms, capturing time-frequency based information, are used to create a 3-way tensor per record. The core tensor resulting from Tucker decomposition of the formed tensor is then used to get 1-D feature vectors for learning of Random Forest Classifier. Evaluation of the proposed methodology on The George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2023 dataset obtained an average F-measure of 0.76 and a challenge score of 0.33 for 10-fold cross-validation. We participated in the challenge as team ‘Medics' and obtained a challenge score of 0.54 on challenge hidden test data.