Comprehensive ECG classification using Tree Models and YOLOv8

Shreyasvi Natraj1, Bertram Fuchs2, Diego Paez1
1ETH Zurich, 2ETH Zürich



We propose a novel ECG classification approach that leverages YOLOv8- based ECG waveform image classification and tree-model-based superclass prediction exploiting metadata and sub-classes, providing a comprehensive method for classifying ECG subject conditions.



Initial testing utilized a training set (18865 images) and a validation set (2500 images). The YOLOv8n model achieved a top 1% classification accuracy of 64.7% after 40 epochs and 66.7% after 80 epochs across 5 super-classes. Evaluation of a larger YOLOv8x model with validation loss decrease based on early stopping is ongoing. Insights from the decision tree analysis will be used to re-annotate images with missing superclass labels, leveraging subclass predictions for improved YOLOv8 training.


This work demonstrates the effectiveness of combining YOLOv8 for image-based ECG classification with tree-based machine learning models for metadata analysis. This ensemble approach has the potential to improve overall ECG subject classification accuracy. Future work will explore the use of decision trees and random forest/C50 classifiers for superclass prediction through metadata and potentially ensemble the two models for comprehensive prediction of the ECG superclass of the subject.