CinC Papers On-line

Since volume 33 (2006), CinC has been an open-access publication, in which copyright in each article is held by its authors, who grant permission to copy and redistribute their work with attribution, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Earlier volumes appear here courtesy of the IEEE.


The full text of the volumes posted here may be searched below:



Currently available open-access volumes may be read by following the links below:

Volume 51 (2024)

Volume 50 (2023)
Volume 49 (2022)
Volume 48 (2021)
Volume 47 (2020)
Volume 46 (2019)
Volume 45 (2018)
Volume 44 (2017)
Volume 43 (2016)
Volume 42 (2015)
Volume 41 (2014)
Volume 40 (2013)
Volume 39 (2012)
Volume 38 (2011)
Volume 37 (2010)
Volume 36 (2009)
Volume 35 (2008)
Volume 34 (2007)
Volume 33 (2006)
Volume 32 (2005)
Volume 31 (2004)
Volume 30 (2003)
Volume 29 (2002)
Volume 28 (2001)


CinC is also available partly in print from the IEEE.

In addition to these archives, the IEEE Xplore web site provides subscription-only access to CinC, beginning with volume 15 (1988). Many public and university research libraries contain printed volumes of CinC with different ISSN, depending on the period. In volumes 18-33 (1991-2006), the ISSN was misprinted as 0276-6547 instead of 0276-6574, and this incorrect number appears in most citations of CinC papers from these volumes. In volumes 34-38 (2007-2011), the ISSN is 0276-6574. In volumes 40-42 (2013-2015), the ISSN is 2325-8861. From volume 43 (2016), the ISSN is 2325-887X.

A growing number of older volumes of CinC may be searched on-line through Google Books, although at present it is not possible to read these volumes on-line due to copyright restrictions. Google Books have partnered with the IEEE and with a number of on-line booksellers who produce and sell reprinted copies of these older volumes.

The Engineering Index provides subscription-only access to abstracts of CinC papers, beginning with volume 4 (1977). Many university libraries have institutional subscriptions.