Special Sessions
Since the 2016 conference, CinC has hosted at the annual conference “Special Sessions”, which are sessions proposed by members of the society and approved by the CinC Board. The aim of special sessions is to offer conference attendees a window for promoting emerging research themes.
For the 2024 conference in Karlsruhe, the following sessions will be featured in the conference program:
- Grasping Atrial Fibrillation: Untangling Mechanisms, Approaches, and Future Directions (Organizers: Dr. Jichao Zhao, The University
of Auckland, New Zealand, Dr. Axel Loewe, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany). - Open questions in open research in cardiovascular data science (Organizers: Peter H. Charlton, Sharon Yuen Shan Ho, University of Cambridge, UK).
- Photoplethysmography Imaging (Organizers: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hoog Antink, Dipl.-Ing. Hannes Ernst, TU Darmstadt, Germany).
For the 2023 conference in Atlanta, the following sessions have been featured in the conference program:
- Wearable photoplethysmography: the road ahead (Organizer: Peter H. Charlton, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, UK, pc657@cam.ac.uk & Xiao Hu, Emory University, USA, xiao.hu@emory.edu
- Inside the Beating Heart: Image-guided Cardiac Interventions (Organizers: Cristian A. Linte, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, clinte@mail.rit.edu & David R. Holmes III, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA, holmes.david3@mayo.edu)
- At the Intersection of Cardiovascular Imaging, Mechanics and Modeling for Patient-customized Simulations (Organizers: Cristian A. Linte, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA & Suzanne Shontz, University of Kansas, USA, shontz@ku.edu)
Structure of a special session
Special sessions typically consist of four presentations and discussion based around the topic in question. The general format for these sessions is as follows:
An Introductory talk (25 minutes + 5 minutes questions) which presents the problem, gives a general overview of the state-of-art and most relevant results/publications. This introductory talk should also provide an introduction to each session presentation.
Three research presentations (10 minute + 5 minutes questions)
Final discussion (15 minutes). Session Chairs (i.e. the Proponents) should lead this discussion and stimulate debate amongst delegates about the presented papers and possible future directions for the research area.
The call for special sessions typically opens early in the year of the conference and closes in March. Proposals are evaluated by the CinC Board of Directors based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and its ability to bring together key researchers.
How to submit a special session proposal.
If you want to submit a proposal for a Special Session, the following information are requested
- Names, email addresses, affiliations, and short biographies of the organisers who are expected to have a PhD or MD degree and a relevant publication track record in the proposed area.
- Title of the session.
- Aim and rationale for the special session.
- A list of proposed speakers, together forming an oral session with 4 presentations.
Proposals should be emailed as pdf documents to the secretary of the CinC Board, Luca Mainardi, luca.mainardi@polimi.it, no later than March 15th (noon). All proposals received will be evaluated by the Board based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and the ability to bring together key researchers. The Secretary will notify the proposers about the outcome no later than April 1st.
Commitments for the organizers and participants of a special session
The speakers of the special session are expected to register for the conference and to submit an abstract (one separated abstract for each presentation) and eventually a proceedings paper, like any other conference submission (for details on abstract submission rule and format, please visit https://cinc.org/cinc-conference-program-abstracts/).
Please note that abstracts submitted for a special session will be subject to review just like any other submission.
The organizer(s) of the special session is committed to solicit the session participants to submit the abstracts within the deadline. As any other accepted abstract, authors are committed to submit the full papers (up to 4 pages) either as a pre-print before the conference or as the final version for publication by two weeks after the conference (for details, please visit https://cinc.org/information-for-computing-in-cardiology-authors/)