The CinC Maastricht Simulation Award (MSA)
1 – About the Programme
1.0 – What’s it all about?
During the 2018 edition of CinC, the Sunday Symposium was dedicated to a hands-on experience with 4 different simulation packages (CircAdapt, ECGSim, Myokit and SCIRun) running on 250 computers of Maastricht University. This event was well attended and greatly appreciated by a large number of participants, reflecting the increasing interest in mechanistic models and simulation within the CinC community. In order to stimulate this development and potentially attract new participants working on this topic to the CinC meeting, the organizers of CinC 2018 have established and funded a new Maastricht Simulation Award (MSA)
1.1 – The Aim of the Programme
The goal of this award (and its $500 prize) is to recognize the best submission to the conference each year on the topic of cardiovascular simulations.
2 – Eligibility
2.1 — Who may submit?
Submission for the MSA is open to all CinC participants. We especially encourage participation from first-time attendees, authors from underrepresented countries and/or early-career investigators
2.2 — Conflicts with other awards
There is no conflict between the MSA and other awards. Authors may submit to the MSA and other awards at CinC for which they qualify
2.2 — Statement of participation
Together with the 4-pages submission, a statement is required from the corresponding author to confirm the willingness by at least one team member to participate to the CinC conference. Moreover, a statement is required indicating that the submission is based on original research that has not been yet published or presented in international conferences at the date of submission.
2.3 – Submission of Results that are the are Part of a Team Effort
The MSA is a shared award for all members of the group of authors who have submitted the paper.
3 – Entering the MSA Competition
3.1 – First Steps
Consult the Call for Papers for this year’s CinC conference to verify the abstract deadline, usually 15 April. The deadline may be moved by a few days if 15 April coincides with another major conference.
3.2 — Submitting the abstract and four-page paper
Submitting a properly formatted abstract and four-page paper is easy and usually trouble-free, but avoid missing the deadline because of unfamiliarity with the formatting requirements or the submission process. Since you may revise your submissions at any time before the abstract deadline, test the process by submitting early drafts of your conference program abstract and of your full paper to avoid last-minute surprises.
In order to allow electronic processing, the abstract to be printed in the conference program must be submitted via the CinC abstract and paper collection site according to a predefined format. For details, see these instructions for preparing and submitting CinC abstracts.
Full paper
MSA applicants must submit a full paper in the same format as required for the conference proceedings. This includes a short abstract. For details, see these instructions for preparing and submitting CinC papers.
4 – The Selection Process
4.1 – Selection of MSA winner
The MSA submissions will go through an initial grading as part of the track-based review process. Submissions that receive a high enough score then receive a second review by the MSA Review Panel who will make a final decision.
4.2 — Presentation of the paper
The winner of the MSA paper will present the paper at a time and session determined by the Program Chair of the CinC.
2024 Winner :
Jorge Sánchez – A Model Population-Based Approach to Enhance the Detection of Premature Ventricular Contraction of ECGI.
2023 Winner :
Tobias Gerach – Whole Heart Simulation of Severe Aortic Stenosis Using a Lumped Parameter Model of Heart Valve Dynamics.
2022 Winner :
Rosie Barrows – The Effect of Heart Rate and Atrial Contraction on Left Ventricular Function.
2021 Winner :
Chiara Bartolucci – A Novel Computational Model of Pacemaker Activity in the Mouse Atrioventricular Node Cell.
2020 Winner :
Konstantinos Mountris – Next-generation in-silico Cardiac Electrophysiology through Immersed Grid Meshfree Modelling. Application to Simulation of Myocardial Infarction.
2019 Winner :
Violeta Monasterio – Influence of the Stimulation Current on the Differences between Cell and Tissue Electrophysiological Simulations.