Information for Authors

Computing in Cardiology publishes short papers (4 pages maximum) that have been presented and discussed by their authors at the annual CinC meeting each year. CinC requires all authors to disclose any real or apparent conflicts of interest that may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of their papers.

If you would like to present your work at the next CinC conference and publish it in Computing in Cardiology, you should consider the steps below:

1. Submit a conference program abstract by

All conference program abstracts must be submitted on-line. Click here !

Click here for instructions for preparing and submitting abstracts.

2. (Optional) Submit your full paper by

This is one of several requirements for the Rosanna Degani Young Investigator Award competition,

the Clinical needs translational award (CTA), the Maastricht Simulation Award and reduced-fee registration.

Click here for additional information about submitting a YIA, CTA, or other early paper.

3. Get a visa if you will need one to attend CinC

If you need a Visa to attend CinC don’t wait to hear if your abstract has been accepted — by then, it may be too late!

Please visit this page Visa or contact if you have any question.

4. Confirm that you will present your paper

Decision letters are sent to the main contact email address listed for each submitted abstract, in the first half of june. If you submitted more than one abstract, you will receive a separate decision letter for each of them. If you have not received a decision letter by 23 June for each abstract that you submitted, please check your spam folder for email from <>.

If your abstract is accepted, your decision letter will contain instructions for confirming that you will attend CinC and will present your paper.

Occasionally authors are unable to present their papers. If neither you nor a coauthor can present an accepted paper, inform us as soon as possible so that the preliminary program can be corrected before it goes to press. Failure to present an accepted paper without notice will jeopardise your chances of getting your abstracts accepted in the future.

Papers that are not presented by their authors at a CinC meeting are not published. It is essential that CinC attendees have an opportunity to discuss your work with you. If you know that it will be impossible for you or a coauthor to present your work at CinC, please find another suitable meeting or journal for publishing it.

For practical reasons an individual is limited to presenting not more than four papers at a CinC conference. This restriction relates only to the number of articles an individual can physically present as an oral or poster presentation at the conference. This does not limit the number of articles where an individual can be listed as co-author.

5. Register to attend CinC

Each person who will attend CinC must register as a participant one time, even if you will present more than one submission. The cost of attending the conference is the same regardless of whether you are presenting or not.

Examples of prices for the CinC Hybrid version conference are (full list of fees including Health Care Professionals and late registrations is given on the local Website) :


  • Registration for IN PERSON attendance before : €725
  • Registration for IN PERSON attendance from : €850
  • Registration for ONE DAY (not Monday) IN PERSON attendance of scientific sessions: €200
  • Guest IN PERSON registration: €160 (allows guest to attend the Monday Social Event and Gala Dinner, not the conference itself)
  • RFR : Reduced-Fee-Registration is for young researcher who otherwise qualify for the Young Investigator Competition and who submitted a 4-page paper and applied for the RFR in April. Check all the criteria here. They must also register before : €362.5
    (Note: 50%discount applied using the RFR code & send a letter from your supervisor or department certifying the student status to

In addition to registering to the conference you will also need to arrange your travel and accommodation. You will find a wealth of general information on the CinC 2024 local site. Please click here.


  • Registration for REMOTE attendance: €375

To register click here.

6. Prepare and submit a full paper

Authors of accepted abstracts (oral and poster) are invited to submit full papers (4 pages) to the conference. All those submitted before the conference (deadline one week beforehand, , ) will be available as a preprint for the conference. After the conference will follow a period (deadline , ), during which authors can make minor revisions to their manuscript based on any feedback received during the conference.

The authors must then upload a final version for the published proceedings by , . All papers must follow the predefined formats and templates included in the instructions for preparing and submitting full papers. For the final submissions only, authors must submit in pdf + source (LaTeX or Word) formats via the CinC abstract and paper collection site. Authors may receive requests from the CinC proceedings editor to prepare the publication version of the manuscript.

If you previously submitted a paper for pre-acceptance review (either for the YIA competition, CTA, or to become eligible for reduced-fee registration), that version will become the default proceedings paper. Please update, check it content and compliance with the required format before the , deadline.

7. Present your work at CinC

Besides your abstract acceptance letter the preliminary program indicates the type and schedule of session to which your presentation has been assigned. It could be a poster (remote or in-person) or oral presentation (only in-person, plenary or parallel). For both cases please check the links below to get further information on the presentation, duration, poster dimensions etc. :

Presenting your work is a requirement for publishing it in Computing in Cardiology. It is vital for CinC participants to have the opportunity to discuss your work with you or a coauthor. If you know that it will be impossible for you or a coauthor to present your work at CinC, please find another suitable meeting or journal for publishing it.

8. Revise and upload your final submission

Based on comments you receive from your presentation, there will be time after the conference to make any final revisions to the document and upload it again to the CinC abstract and paper collection site. The deadline for this final submission is typically two weeks after the conference.

9. Be prepared to make corrections if requested

If you have prepared your paper following the formatting instructions scrupulously, the Editor may not request revisions. About half of submitted papers do require (usually minor) revisions, however. If yours is among them, then within four to six weeks following the conference you will receive a request from the Editor to make corrections to your paper. Please do so carefully and resubmit your paper promptly.

Computing in Cardiology is usually published in November or December, and papers are made available in the on-line archives at that time. Until then, your paper will be available in the preprint collection if you have posted it there.