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The Sunday Symposium
Since 1990, each scientific meeting of CinC has been preceded by a Sunday afternoon symposium highlighting current research in an area of special interest to the local hosts. The Sunday symposium provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about topics that may be new to them, to connect them with their own research interests, and to hear about the significant contributions and ongoing research coming from the laboratories and clinical research centers of the local organizers and invited speakers.
For the Symposium content of this year, please browse the CinC local website
Sunday Symposia Topics
2022 |
Novel approaches for personalized cardiac health: from stem cells to wearable technologies Katriina Aalto-Setälä, Reijo Laaksonen, Jussi Koivumäki, Mark Van Gils |
2021 |
Artificial Intelligence C. Roney, M. Sermesant, A. Kennedy |
2020 |
Technological Innovations in Cardiac Therapies : Visions from clinicians, regulatory agencies and companies M. Haissaguerre, M. Biffi, M. Del Greco, A. Redaelli, G. Corbucci, N. Virag, F. Veronesi, R. Bursi, M. Cluitmans |
2019 |
Mind the Gap: Cardiologist and Engineer Yeo Khung Keong, Tan Ru San, Fam Jiang Ming, Wong Woei Jiuang, Marcus Ong Eng Hock, Jason Chen, Mayank Dalakoti, Li Yongfeng, Wong Chee-Leong |
2018 | Simulation activities and exploration – hands on sessions J. Lumens, P. van Dam, Thomndorp, M. Clerx, R. MacLeod, J. Tate |
2017 | A Success story in CRT and Vagus nerve stimulation JC. Daubert, G. Hindricks, C. Linde, G. De Ferrari, V. Dusi, F. Zannad, A. Hernandez , |
2016 | Cardiology and Space Flight R. Thirsk, P. Norsk, P. Migeotte, J. Shoemaker, V. Convertino, E. Seedhouse, |
2015 | Multiscale Computing in Cardiology J. Barhanin, J. Jeremy Rice, G. Latcu, M. Sermesant, M. Amann, |
2014 | Data-driven Learning, Discovery, and Innovation Roger Mark, Daniel Levy, Ary L. Goldberger, Leo Anthony Celi, J. Randall Moorman, David Paydarfar |
2013 | Multi-scale Cardiac Modeling Esther Pueyo, Antonio Zaza, Andras Varró, Yoram Rudy, José Jalife, José F. Rodríguez |
2012 | Virtual Reality in Cardiac Surgery W. Zareba, J. Bulka, T. Szuba, M. Gajer, Z. Nawrat,J. Sliwka, P. Kostka, K. Rohr, W. Sadoeski, K. Krzysztofik |
2011 | Window on Chinese Cardiovascular Research H. Duan, S. Luo, Qing Wang, Jianan Wang, Yan Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, Ling Xia |
2010 | Mobile Coronary Care Peter Donnelly, Eric McAdams, John Anderson, Jennifer Adgey, Mary Carey, |
2009 | Scientific Computing and Imaging at the SCI Institute Rob Macleod, Brent Muhlestein, Ed DiBella, Frank Sachse, Ross Whitaker, Dana Brooks, Chris Johnson |
2008 | Wireless Applications in Medicine Johan de Bie, B Valotti, D Hampton, M Busuoli, M Parrucci, V Lobianco, G Mazzini, G Finocchiaro, Maria G Martini |
2007 | 40th Anniversary of the Duke Cardiovascular Databank: Past, Present, Future Kerry Lee, Charlie Bethea, Bob Harrington, Bob Arzbaecher, Dan Schindler, Rob Califf |
2006 | Cellular Basis of Cardiac Pathologies: New Therapeutic Methods Ramón Brugada, Ruben Coronel, Beatriz Trénor, Miodrag Stojkovic The Impact of New Technologies in Cardiology Pedro Serrano, Rahms Hellmer, Ricardo Ruíz |
2005 | Past, Present, and Future in Cardiology and New eHealth Perspectives Paul Touboul, Didier Revel, Jean-Pierre Boissel, Paul Rubel, Jean-Claude Healy |
2004 | Evaluation and Management of Atrial Fibrillation Westby Fisher, Al Waldo, Douglas Packer, Elliot McVeigh, Rahul Mehra, Ted Feldman |
2003 | Prevention and Quality of Health Services in Cardiovascular Diseases: The Benefits of Pervasive Computing, Ambient Intelligence, and Telemedicine Josef Lauter, Paul Rubel, Nicos Maglaveras, Stelios Orphanoudakis, Vassilios Vassilikos, Takis Kotis, George Vrouhos, Pantelis Angelidis, Ilias Iakovidis, Adreas Lymberis, Silas Olsson, George Louridas |
2002 | Fibrosis and Fibrillation: Engineering and Clincal Perspectives K Weber, R Malkin, P Spooner, M Arnsdorf, A de Jongh, T Sutter, A Wit, M Spack, J Soberman |
2001 | Novel Techniques and Computer Applications in Cardiology Paul G Hugenholz, ML Simoons, PW Serruys, N Bom, JRTC Roelandt |
2000 | Special Workshop on Sleep Apnea Detection Participants in the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2000 Effects of Space Flight on Human Physiology John B Charles, Laurence Young, Richard J Cohen |
1999 | Molecular Genetic Research on Diagnosis and Therapy of Cardiac Diseases Hanjörg Just, Hans-Peter Vosberg |
1998 | |
1997 | In-Hospital Ischemia Monitoring |
1996 | Electrophysiological and Imaging Aspects of Sudden Cardiac Death |
1995 | Advances in Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiography: ISHNE Educational Session M Malik, H Weber. F Badilini, P Kulakowski, S Cerruti Current and Future Trends in Cardiology: The Impact of Computer Technology P Kühn, G Maurer, C Zeelenberg, E Garcia, H Feigenbaum, J Whiting, G Maier, B Khandheria, O Ratib |
1994 | Integrated Cardiac 3D Imaging: From Basic Science to Clinical Application Francis Klocke, Robert Bonow, Michael Green, Robert Balaban, Leon Axel, Eric Hoffman, Bruce Brundage, Ofaf von Ramm, Edward Geiser, Stephen Bacharach |
1993 | Current and Future Coronary Imaging Techniques: Clinicians’ Requirements Beyond the Scientific Limit? Martin Rothman, Chris Zarins, Julien Hoffman, Anthony Rickards, Tom Marwick, Marie-Claude Morice, James Thomas, Duncan Dymond, Charles Dumoulin, Lincoln Moura, Alastair McDonald |
1992 | Applied Cardiac Electrophysiology Raymond E Ideker, Robert L Lux, William M Smith, John P Wikswo Theoretical Cardiac Electophysiology James P Keener, Yoram Rudy, C Frank Stanner Computers in Nuclear Cardiology G Allan Johnson, R Edward Coleman, Robert H Jones Magnetic Resonance Imaging Norbert Pelc, G Allan Johnson |
1991 | Automatic Implantable Cardioverter/Defibrillators R Arzbaecher, P Cornaglia, A Hedin, F Crema, F Lindemans, R Lebrun, J Mayer, RD Fletcher, N Ophoff, M Santini, J Salerno, L Donato, PG Hugenholtz, F Furlanello, A Sargentini |
1990 | Technology of Arrhythmia Management Anthony Nathan, James Roth, Steven Swiryn, Raymond Ideker, Craig January, J Thomas Bigger Jr, Ralph Lazzara, Christopher RC Wyndham, Morton Armsdorf |
CinC Tutorials
The Sunday Symposia grew out of the earlier CinC Tutorial series, designed to provide introductions to the major topics discussed in the scientific sessions of the conference:
1989 | Intra-Coronary Imaging by Ultrasound Body Surface Potential Maps and the Inverse Problem Current Quantitative Problems in PTCA Applications of Nuclear Medicine in Cardiology |
1988 | Randomized Clinical Trials: Current Methodology with Applications Joel Verter, Lawrence Friedman Fundamental Electrocardiography and Digital Signal Processing James J Bailey, Alan S Berson Electrocardiographic Quantification of Ischemia (Analysis of ST-T in Exercise and Ambulatory ECGs) Paul D Kligfield, Mitchell W Krucoff |
1987 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Cardiology: Methodology and Applications Digital Coronarography and Left Ventriculography Implantable Pacemakers, Cardioverters, and Drug Delivery Systems |
1986 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Cardiology William Long, Ramesh Patil, Edward Shortliff, Marvin Minsky Clinical Electrophysiology and Cardiac Mapping Eugene Downer, Raymond Ideker, Jeremy Ruskin Digital Techniques in Cardiac Ultrasound: From Fundamentals to Future Clinical Applications David Skorton, Steve Collins, Alfred Parisi Computers in Cardiac Pacing Robert Arzbaecher, Alan D Bernstein, Louis Sasmor |
1985 | Data Processing in Exercise Testing Olle Pahlm, Leif Sörnmo, Thorvald Bjurö, Jussi Tranesjö Statistical Evaluation of Clinical Trials Lars Wilhemssen, Hans Wedel, Kjell Tennert Image Processing in Medicine Uno Ericsson, Gösta Granlund, Nils Åslund, Michiyoshi Kuwahara Computer Supported Decision Making in Medicine Medical Expert Systems Sture Hägglund, Kristian Sandahl, Paul D Clayton |
1984 | Expert Systems and Application in Medical Decision-Making Paul D Clayton, Homer R Warner Personal Computers and the Physician Jerome R Cox, Jr Design of Experimental Studies and Statistics Tim Bishop, Jim Reading, Bruce Wampold Experience with an Implanted Artificial Heart William DeVries |
1983 | Cardiovascular Database Design: Applications and Medical Decision Making HDJ Covvey Personal Computers and Physicians JR Cox, L Kun Comparison of Cardiac Imaging Techniques: Angiography, Ultrasound, Scintigraphy, and NMR N Bom, F Navarro-Lopez, GT Meester Design of Experimental Studies and Statistics J Michaelis, KH Schicketanz |
1982 | Echocardiography: Imaging and Processing Techniques Cardiovascular Database Design, Applications, and Medical Decision Making Digital Fluoroscopy Computer-Assisted Interpretation of Exercise Testing |
1981 | Database Management HD Covvey Nuclear Cardiology: Applications, Limitations, and Recent Developments in the Measurement of Ventricular Function MV Green, H Berger Computer Systems for Intensive Care RM Gardner, LC Sheppard Computer Assisted Interpretation of Exercise Testing L Simoons An Overview of Cardiology Instrumentation P Heintzen, GT Meester, C Marchesi How to Cope with the Requirements for Clinical Research and Clinical Care P Hugenholtz, L Donato |
1980 | Introduction to Computerized Arrhythmia Analysis KL Ripley, A Murray Computer Systems for Intensive Care RM Gardner, JJ Osborn, LC Sheppard Left and Right Ventricular Wall Motion PE Lange, J Buersch, P Heintzen Nuclear Cardiology: Its Practical Limitations MV Green, SL Bacharach, JS Borer The AHA Database for Evaluation of Ventricular Arrhythmia Detectors RE Hermes, GC Oliver Computer Processing of Diagnostic Electrocardiograms TA Pryor, JJ Bailey, JL Talman |
1979 | Regional Wall Motion of the Left Ventricle RW Brower, EL Alderman Arrhythmia Detection KL Ripley, A Murray Computer Support in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory HD Covvey, HP Krayenbül |
1978 | |
1977 | |
1976 | |
1975 | |
1974 |