Computing in Cardiology 2016, Volume 43
This is a preliminary website for the 2016 papers. They must not yet be taken as final. This is your opportunity to identify any problems we may have created, but unfortunately there is no time to allow you to make changes or corrections.
Since this is preliminary you should first remind yourself of your paper code number from the PDF program which you can find here. This reference number is the name of your paper. A link to copy of a PDF of your actual paper is provided below. When the papers are final, an html contents and html index will take you directly to your paper.
If you see any problem please contact Alan Murray ( straight away, quoting the double-number paper reference.
Preface Material
A Cover
B Copyright
C Board of Directors
D Editor
E Organizing and program committees
F Introduction
G Awards
H In Memory Carlo Marchesi
I Table of contents